Collinsville Crimson Cadets Booster Organization
About the Boosters!
Booster Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7PM in the High School Band Room except for the month of June (unless otherwise noted ahead of time).
The CCC Booster’s mission is to support all Cadets, grades 6 through 12, in their educational and musical goals through the various phases of the Collinsville Band & Guard programs. Through its members we volunteer to work with the directors and students providing both assistance and financial support.
Examples of assistance are:
Staffing the Collinsville Concession Stand for all home football games held at Sallee Field
Organize fundraising events
Serve food on all-day events and competitions
Provide chaperones for away from school trips such as competitions and football games
Financially, we provide support from fund raising efforts for some needs not covered by school funding. A few of these are:
Instrument repairs and cases
Various fees, such as: competitions
Sound equipment and music software
NCDA and All-State hotel accommodations
Equipment for both the band and guard
Yearly senior scholarships
Yearly music awards
​Join the Cadets Booster Organization - All parents are welcome to attend the booster meetings, however, in order to take part in voting and approving, you have to be paid members. It is $10 a year per family/household! Click Here to join!