Collinsville Crimson Cadets Booster Organization

In order to help the band and guard programs and support all of the cadets, the booster club has several fundraisers throughout the year. Some of these fundraisers give the cadets opportunities to earn credits towards their dues, trips and other personal band expenses. Our goal is to have as big and therefore, as few, fundraisers as needed to keep supporting the program.
The school and directors also have fundraisers. We do our best not to conflict with theirs.
Do you have an idea for a fundraiser? If so, please reach out to cccbandboosters@gmail.com or talk to one of the booster officers!

We take donations and sponsorships all throughout the year. Click Here to go to the donate/sponsorship page.

Concession Stand
This is one of our largest fundraisers. We need volunteers to work each varsity & JV home football game. Time worked goes toward your cadet's credits. Food handling permit is required.
High school Varsity ($20 earned per session)
High School Junior Varsity ($15 earned per session)
Junior High ($25 earned per session)

Guys & Dolls Dance
A dance that we host around Valentines day for the elementary kids in Collinsville.
2025 Sign Up Link Coming Soon!

Burgers, Beats & Baskets
We get donations from all over the community and beyond to put together baskets for auction. The jazz band plays and we serve food. Tickets cost for those who are eating.

BOK Volunteering
You can volunteer to work BOK events to earn money for your cadet. Here is the information!

Wreath Fundraiser
Click here for Wreath Fundraising Details. Local orders Due to Jennifer Wright October 30. Online orders can be purchased through December 6th.

Fall & Spring Flowers
We do 2 fundraisers a year with flowers. Fall is July - August and Spring is March-April.
Fall Flowers Flyer - Flyer and money due to Jennifer Wright by August 9th.

Sold July - August timeframe. Merchandise Store for t-shirts & hoodies open until Friday, August 16th!

Throughout the year, local restaurants will host a fundraiser for us where we get a percentage of the proceeds made on a specific date.​
Smitty's Garage Owasso Wednesday, August 28th 5:30pm - 8:30pm
McAlister's Deli Owasso Monday, September 16th 5:00pm - 10:00pm

Chili Dinner
On the day of the Christmas parade, we host a chili lunch!

Texas Roadhouse Rolls
More info coming soon!