Collinsville Crimson Cadets Booster Organization
Parent's Information
Parents Information
Join the Booster Organization
Booster Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7PM in the High School Band Room except for the month of June (unless otherwise noted ahead of time).
All parents are welcome to attend the booster meetings, however, in order to take part in voting and approving, you have to be paid members. It is $10 a year per family/household! Click Here to join! Visit the About page for more information regarding the booster organization.
Click here to view the calendar. This calendar is updated by Mr. Mackey and his staff on a regular basis.
Annual Phyicals
All students that participate in any athletics at Collinsville High School are required to have a physical. This includes the marching band cadets. The school puts on an annual physical function where the kids can get their physicals. Otherwise, they need to be obtained from a physician.
For the 2024-2025 school year - it's Wednesday, May 1st from 5-630PM at the high school gym. Cost is $20.
Here is the document that needs to be filled out and brought to the night of the physical.
Here is the flyer where you can scan to pay online.
3rd Quarter Snacks
Every football game, the boosters provides water and snacks for the cadets during the 3rd quarter break. We take donations from the parents in order to help.
Amazon Wishlist Link for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Donations purchased anywhere else and/or gift cards will also be accepted. Just reach out to one of the booster officers to coordinate pickup or you can drop them off at the band room. We also take gift cards so that we don't have to store as much and we can buy as we go! Please no chocolate candy as it makes a mess!
Band Camp & Marching Practices
Band camp is the last 2 full weeks of the summer from 7AM-3PM and the Monday and Tuesday night the week that school starts from 430-7PM. This is REQUIRED...NO EXCUSES other than a death in the family or a fever. They will get a break for lunch during the full day practices.
The expectation is for the cadets to be at least 10 minutes early. They will need plenty of water (at least a gallon jug recommended), comfortable shoes, sunglasses/hat, sunscreen and any snacks they might want when breaks are taken.
Cadet Dues
Each year, the cadets have to pay dues as set by the directors. These will be paid directly to the band and cash or check can be given to Mr Mackey (checks payable to Collinsville Band). ​
If you would like to pay online, please do so at this link. Choose Crimson Cadet Band Fees and be sure your name, your cadet's name and the reason for the payment are written in the description.
Fundraisers can help offset some or all of the dues depending on the cadets participation.
2024-2025 Dues:
$50 Deposit - due by May 8, 2024
Rest of the dues, due by August 30, 2024
New Marchers - $160
Vet Marchers - $120 (unless they need new shoes, then it's $160)
Guard - $200
Instrument Rental Fee - $75 (if using a school owned instrument)​
Trip Cost (separate from dues): ~$2,000
Balances can be checked on cuttime.com. Setup is done through Mr. Mackey.
Cadet Credits
All cadet credits earned from a fundraiser that the booster puts on are held by the boosters until we are told by the parents to apply it to their account (then we cut a check to Mr Mackey and let him know how to apply those funds). Anytime your cadet has credits that you would like to use for dues or a trip, etc, please send an email to Amy Finney at jnafinney@gmail.com letting her know how much you want to use and for what purpose so we can get the funds sent accordingly.
Helping with Pit Crew
Each time the cadets perform (halftime during a game or during a competition), there is a LOT of pit equipment that has to be pushed on and off the field and any help to do that is greatly appreciated.
Below is the link to sign up! Each sign up is only for that specific game or event. During the games, depending on the location, you will be needed a few minutes before halftime and then right after the show is done. Competition are a little different. Signing for a competition includes helping during both preliminary and final performances as well as pushing equipment around the necessary places as they warm up. Times will be communicated accordingly.
​The games are good practice for anyone who is going to help at competitions as competitions are timed from when everything gets on the field to when it gets off.
Overnight Competition Trips
There is one overnight trip per year. Every other year, the trip is mandatory (2023-2024 was a mandatory trip year). On the off years, there is a "fun " trip that is not required (normally during the spring). They do perform on the fun trips.
For overnight trips, it will be 4 kids to a room and each kid will be assigned a chaperone. The chaperones will get phone numbers and the kids will need to check in with their chaperone or respond to their chaperone in a timely manner. Chaperones will be in separate rooms from the kids but they will do room checks every night to make sure everyone is in the room for the night. Depending on the location and situation, for meals and downtimes, the kids will be allowed to go out on their own (walking) as long as they are in groups of 3 or more and check in with their chaperone (the places are usually within a mile radius of the hotel). Sometimes the kids opt to go where the chaperones go, but not all the time. If you aren't comfortable with these guidelines, please be sure to let your cadet know so they know to stay with their chaperone or another adult when walking around, etc.
2024-2025 Year will be a fun trip around April of 2025! More details to come soon!
Cadets will be told what to wear for each event. They will need the following clothing items for the year:
Uniforms & Show Specific Outfits (they will change in and out of these at the band room or on site at competitions - they won't take them home)
Black athletic shorts (to wear under their uniforms)
Khaki shorts (These will be worn with summer t-shirt at Meet the Cardinal and first few games for the band. The guard will wear black shorts.)
Calf Length Black socks (NOT ankle: will need by Meet the Cardinal night)
Show Specific T-Shirt (Mr Mackey will care for getting these ordered)
Summer Band T-Shirt (they will get this at the end of summer band camp)
Marching shoes (Mr Mackey will care for getting these ordered)
Garment Bags (Needed for cadets to transport their uniforms to out of town competitions - where they stay overnight somewhere)
Concert black - black shirt and pants or skirt OR black dress along with black shoes
Below are a few rules of etiquette for contests and concerts. We want to make certain we give our band and their competitors the respect they deserve.
Do not talk during performances
Remember to applaud and recognize the hard work and skill of the visiting or competing bands.
For marching competitions, get to your seats early before the performance you are wanting to watch. You will not be allowed to enter or exit the stands while a band is performing.
For concerts, silence all electronics and please refrain from entering or exiting your seat during a performance (if you need to step out or arrive late in the middle of a concert, please try to do it in between songs).
Senior Parents
Senior Ad in Football Program -
1/4 page is $40
1/2 page is $75
Payment due by August 16th via paypal to email cvilleqbclub@gmail.com or payment can be mailed to PO Box 671 Collinsville, OK 74021.
Pics/messages for the ad due to cvilleqbclub@gmail.com by 5PM on August 18th
Senior night for the band will be the 10/13 game since the kids will be in St Louis during the 10/27 game (which is what is indicated as senior night on the football schedule).
Tshirts - Cindy Wood-Merrell & Lindsey Beard
3rd Quarter Snacks/Water - Brittany Lawrence (Teeman)
Competition Food - Jennifer Philpott
Homecoming Coronation
Every year, the cadets vote for the following positions in the band coronation:
King & Queen
Attendants (freshman boy & girl, sophomore boy & girl, junior boy & girl, senior boy & girl).
Here is the overview of the responsibilties for the winners.
Annual Banquet
2024 CCC Banquet
Our annual Collinsville Crimson Cadet will take place on Sunday, April 21 from 5-6:30PM at the West Main Event Center in Downtown Collinsville. Tickets are $17 per person. This includes dinner from Charlie's Chicken. The cadets and directors will eat for free. The price of the tickets covers the cost for the cadets as our goal is to break even for the event. This is NOT a fundraiser. Purchase dinner tickets by sending a note and payment through PayPal to @crimsoncadets or go here.
Tickets will NOT be sold at the door!
Banquet will include the presentation of the royal court, a slide show of the great memories for this school year and awards from the directors.
Rod Mackey - rmackey@collinsville.k12.ok.us
Nicholas Chavez - nicholaschavez@collinsville.k12.ok.us
Michael Hill - michaelhill@collinsville.k12.ok.us
Moriah Rake - moriahrake@collinsville.k12.ok.us